Tuesday night was one of the shows I’ve been waiting for all month; Spoiled Milk. With over 20 acts and Young Scooter, Two9, Scotty and Cyhi The Prynce as headliners, the promise for the night was held high. But when I arrived at the venue, I should have know the night might be as the title described: spoiled. Things were a little unorganized but when the concert finally started, I enjoyed myself through Gloss Da Boss, GWOP Boys, CJ the Genesis, Translee, Rolls Royce Rizzy and others performance. That is, until, the night fell apart. Watch my coverage/recap of the event below to see what really went down that night! Also be on the lookout for interviews with Scotty and Rolls Royce Rizzy coming soon!
Disclaimer: All news reported above are ALLEGED and views are OPINIONATED! At the time of the posting, no further info was available at time recap was recorded.
#whocausedshootingatspoiledmilk #rollsroycerizzy #runwayrichygrandhustle #spodeehustlegang #centerstage #marianmereba #translee #atlantarapperbeef #whathappenedatspoiledmilk #yungtone #spoiledmilk #gwopboys #TIGuccibeef #clarkatlantauniversity #atlantarappers #spoiledmilkperformers #TIGucciMane #FreebandzBricksquadbeef #atlantaindieartists